About US
Experience you can depend on
WeGo Digital is run by Mark Wallace a digital marketer with over 10 years experience of working in all aspects of online marketing.
Mark has worked with businesses large and small. From FTSE 100 to small local charities. Whatever the size of the organisation he brings his expertise coupled with a passion to find the right strategy to support the desired goals.
Supporting Mark are a group of talented Web Designers, Developers, Ad Specialists who have many years of experience in the industry.
So whether you are looking for a new website, marketing strategy, SEO, pay per click (PPC), content marketing or email marketing, WeGo has the skills to help!
What we do
Whether you are looking for a beautiful new website, digital marketing, social media strategy, search engine optimisation, pay-per-click, content marketing or email marketing, we have the skills to help!
User Experience (UX)
We work with talented designers and developers to create websites that look beautiful and enhance the user's journey throughout the website to aid conversion.
Social Media
We have a wealth of experience and skills to help organisations find the right suite of social platform to meet their goals. We also provide one to one and group training services.
Marketing Strategy
WeGo have a wealth of experience and skills to help organisations find the right suite of social platform to meet their goals. We also provide one to one and group training services.
Web Development
WeGo Digital create beautiful websites that combine creative design with cutting edge technology to engage the user.
Digital Marketing
We help organisations develop digital marketing strategies that combine the latest thinking and technology in digital marketing.
We provide specialised Search Engine Optimisation services to help your website reach page 1 of the search engine result pages.
Let's Start Something new